SpiritTigress:Poems From The Heart


About Me | My Pets | Favorite Links | MY FAMILY AND FRIEND'S | Contact Me | POEMS FROM THE HEART | TO NIKKI | I'll Be Their | WHY | WALK AWAY | TO LOVE AGAIN | A DARK DAY IN AMERICA 9/11/2001 | THIS OLD FLAG | ON THE WINGS OF A DOVE | A ROSE,A HEART | TO SHOW A TEAR | You Sent Me An Angel | I AM WHO I AM | As It Were | A TINY TEAR | I WALK ALONE | WISHES | FEEL THE FIRE SEE THE FLAME | SIDE BY SIDE | THE WOLF | ALONE | THE WATERS EDGE | TO HAVE LOVED YOU | THE SPIRIT WITHIN | A TRUE FRIEND | MOVING ON/LETTING GO | The Crossoad | Trust You/Trust Me | Thinking Of You | Let It Be Me | A TALK WITH GOD | Stepping Stone's | The Golden Gate | Soothing Water | The Darkness Within | I WOKE UP IN LOVE | THE BED TIME SONG

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Lone wolf sit's atop the hill, howling at the moon so still
see's the beauty in the night,shadows dance in the moon light.
All at once she hears a sound,Is their another wolf around?
Point's her muzzel to the night, howling with pure delight.
Shadow wolf soon appears,lone wolf whimpers moving near.
A gentle nudge paw on his nose,soon too wolves roll in the snow.
Two wolves now sit atop the hill,their gazes fall on the land so still.
Too wolves sitting side by side no longer alone for she a shadow to his side.
Silent figures in the night,walk together now in the moon light.
Lone wolf howls in delight as shadow wolf walks by her side,
together now in the moon light,lone wolf stays by shadows side.
Together now through the nights.

Beverly Skarsvog


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