The time has come my little one's, off to bed do not run.Hurry now and don't delay.The sandman's comming he is on his way. The sandman's comming he is on his way. Wash your face and comb your hair.Brush your teath with great care.Pick up your toy's and put them away.The sandman's comming he is on his way. The sandman's comming he is on his way. Into bed my little one's, cover up the time has come.Snuggle up with your teadybear, he is waiting for you over their.The sandman's comming he is on his way. The sandman's comming he is on his way. Go to sleep my precious child,let your mind roam free for awhile.Dream of places far and wild.Go to sleep my precious child. Go to sleep my precious child. Close your eye's my little one's,The sandman's here the time has come,To close your eye's my little one's. Go to sleep my little one's your busy day is now done.Close you eye's for the day.For the sandman's done his job today. The sandman's done his job he is on his way. Close your eye's my precious child.
