NIKKI(August1991-April 30,2001) Nikki is no longer with me but she will always be a special part of my life.She was a Rottweiler/German Shephard mix. Nikki was loved by all in the family, but was very fond of my niece Cassie. Together the two were unseperatable,always going for walks or just being together at home. A well loved and cared for companion with a heart of gold.Nikki never showed a mean temper to anyone. Of all the dog's that I have owned Nikki will always be my favorite. Nikki was a gem. When I got her she looked like the Rottweiler.But as she grew the German Shephard in her came out.Nikki was built like a rottie but had the coloring and marking's of the shephard.Her ear's were part of her personality,1 stood up like the shephard and the other well was that of the rott. A smart dog Nikki was she could do many trick's.She could count,sing,roll over,shake, and the best one she could play dead dog. When you told her to play dead she would drop to the floor lay flat with even her head on the floor,just about close her mouth and not move a single muscle until she was told to. Nikki was a great dog and is saddly missed by all. p.s. the picture is not my NIKKI,close but not her.  |  |
 |  | Sadie and Bandit
Belle ,Mia, and Foxy Sadie is a Pure bread German Shephard, almost all tan with little black.She like Nikki is a special pet to me.
When we got Sadie she was 14 week's old and very sick.The people that we got her from were nice but had no idea that the dog's had a very bad case of hook worm.She was nursed back to health but because she was never socalized as a pup.Sadie had become very timmid and shy to strangers.
Sadie is the companion of my kid's Joshua and Jacob.Always looking out for them being what a good dog should be devoted to all in the family.
Then their is Bandit he is still a puppy.At 10 months old and almost 100# he is a monster but well cared for.Bandit came to me by the way's of a co-worker,he like Nikki is a Rott/Shephard mix but Bandit has more of the Rottweiler look and build.
We also have 2 cat's Belle and Mia.Bell was a stray,she came to live with us by luck.Bell is siamese/calico mix and Mia is all black with white tip's on her toe's and a hint of a white beard.And my AMERICAN QUARTER HORSE FOXY. Foxy is registered with the AQHA and the BHRA,he is a red dunn at 11 years of age he is just comming to the prime of his life.